small business spotlight: mom to mom postpartum services, dickinson postpartum doula

Hey there! Ready to dive into the real talk about postpartum life? Meet Taylor Marshall-Wanner, CPD, our very own certified postpartum doula right here in lil ol’ Dickinson, North Dakota, who brings a down-to-earth vibe to the chaotic beauty of early parenthood.

No fluff, just genuine support. Join us in unraveling the postpartum journey with Taylor.

What brought you to this work? What made you decide to start a business?

Like a lot of birth workers, my own postpartum experience brought me to this work. I decided to start Mom to Mom Postpartum Services after I realized how underserved postpartum moms and families are in SW North Dakota and really, nationwide.

What makes you different from other service providers? What's the philosophy and approach that drives you?

Mom to Mom Postpartum Services is a unique service that caters to women, birthing people and their families.

Proper postpartum care is essential for the well being of mom, baby and the family unit as a whole. My philosophy is- we all know baby is going to be well taken care of. Someone will be waiting on them hand and foot, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The question we need to be asking is, who is taking care of the mother/birthing person? They just experienced a traumatic event, physically and emotionally. They deserve to be waited on hand and foot so they can heal, rest and bond with their new bundle of joy.

Do you have a specialty in your field? Who are the clients you really love to work with?

My speciality would definitely be my cooking. I am a culinary school graduate, cooking has always been a passion of mine.

I LOVE working with first time families. I feel so honored to be welcomed into their space while I get to support them and watch them fall in love, learn all the new things, learn their baby. It's magic.

What services do you offer?

Currently I offer:

  • In-home Support

  • Food Service

  • Postpartum Care & Bringing Home Baby Class

Tell me the top three things you wish you could tell ALL families preparing for a baby???

  1. Do the work. Get curious about yourself. Do as much work on yourself as you possibly can and continue working on yourself. Insightfulness will help you in the long run.

  2. Expect to hold your baby A LOT for the first months. Honestly, for the first 12 years.

  3. Nothing said between the hours of 12am-6am count. You're going to be tired, the baby is going to cry, you will say things to each other that you don't mean.

And last of all, tell me about you! What makes you tick? What do you do when you're not working with your clients?

When I am not with clients, I am with my family. I enjoy gardening, a good podcast, walking, exercising, barefoot hiking in the Badlands.

Which town/areas do you serve?

Dickinson and surrounding areas.

Where can folks find you?


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