Regina Martin Regina Martin

Your Guide to Prenatal Massage: An Interview with a Top Dickinson LMT

Learn how prenatal massage can support your body during pregnancy. In this post, an experienced North Dakota prenatal massage therapist answers common questions—from what to expect in a session to how it can help with discomfort and relaxation. Whether you're curious or ready to book, you'll get practical insights to help you decide if prenatal massage is right for you.

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pregnancy, Postpartum, Dickinson, Breastfeeding, Birth Regina Martin pregnancy, Postpartum, Dickinson, Breastfeeding, Birth Regina Martin

5 Things You Might Not Know About the 5 Stages of Pregnancy (from a Dickinson Birth Photographer & Doula)

Explore the lesser-known aspects of pregnancy, from conception to the mysterious "4th trimester," as we delve into the experiences and emotions of each stage. Learn about local resources in Dickinson to help you prepare for your pregnancy, newborn, and birth journey.

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Why is Birth Photography so Expensive? | Dickinson + Bismarck Birth Photographer

Listen, I’m a photographer now, but I remember being young and dumb and uninformed and saying, “That’s ridiculous!” the first time I looked at price lists for a professional photographer. And that was “just” family photography, which doesn’t come with all of the extra challenges of custom labor and delivery photography

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Birth, Dickinson, pregnancy Regina Martin Birth, Dickinson, pregnancy Regina Martin

A Look into the Empowering World of Home Birth with a North Dakota Midwife, Part 1 | Dickinson Birth Photographer

An interview with Chelsea Smith, Midwife

This interview has been sitting in my files for quite awhile and as I read through it again, I was brought to tears by Chelsea’s clear passion for birth and holding space for individual families as they meet their babies on their own terms. I’m so, so grateful to Chelsea for taking the time to share such profound and articulate thoughts on home birth and her practice.

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Birth, Bismarck, Dickinson, Motherhood, pregnancy Regina Martin Birth, Bismarck, Dickinson, Motherhood, pregnancy Regina Martin

Navigating Your Home Birth Journey: Key Questions to Ask When Choosing a Midwife in North Dakota

Whether you feel drawn to a home birth because of the individualized care, you want to be the one making the rules when it comes to who is welcomed into your birth space, you want to avoid common interventions standard in hospital, or your cultural or spiritual beliefs, the next step in the process of deciding if this journey is right for you is to find a midwife.

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Motherhood, Dickinson, Breastfeeding, Self-Care Regina Martin Motherhood, Dickinson, Breastfeeding, Self-Care Regina Martin

small business spotlight: mom to mom postpartum services, dickinson postpartum doula

Hey there! Ready to dive into the real talk about postpartum life? Meet Taylor Marshall-Wanner, CPD, our very own certified postpartum doula right here in lil ol’ Dickinson, North Dakota, who brings a down-to-earth vibe to the chaotic beauty of early parenthood.

No fluff, just genuine support. Join us in unraveling the postpartum journey with Taylor.

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Breastfeeding, Dickinson, Bismarck Regina Martin Breastfeeding, Dickinson, Bismarck Regina Martin

When to Find Breastfeeding Support & Help (and Where to Find It) | Dickinson & Bismarck, North Dakota Birth Photographer

Breastfeeding is can be one of the most beautiful and rewarding experiences of motherhood, but it can also be one of the most challenging. 

When I was pregnant with my first, my midwife encouraged me to attend a local La Leche League meeting, but as an introvert with serious social anxiety (I didn’t know that then, lol), that sounded terrifying, so I didn’t go. Looking back and knowing what I know now about all of my particular breastfeeding experiences, I don’t actually regret not going. However, I do wish I had done more personal education on what normal newborn behavior looks like and what to expect in the early days of breastfeeding.

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Birth Regina Martin Birth Regina Martin

Having Your C-Section Birth Photographed

In many other parts of the country, birth photographers are regularly allowed to document cesarean births, and this is something that could change here as well. If you are having a c-section and would like your baby's first moments photographed, your chances are usually good if you are delivering at Sanford in Bismarck. Ultimately, the decision of who is allowed into the OR typically comes down to the anesthesiologist.

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Birth, pregnancy Regina Martin Birth, pregnancy Regina Martin

Forget the Status Quo: 10 Reasons to Break the Rules of Traditional Childbirth | Dickinson & Bismarck Birth Photography

Hey there mama-to-be! So, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed with all the information (or lack thereof) about giving birth. But don't worry, I’ve got you!

Here are 10 things your doctor probably didn't tell you about giving birth that will help you feel more prepared and in control.

(And hey, if these pique your interest, bring these up to your doctor at the next appointment- just scroll to the bottom to download the free printable list!)

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