FRIDAY FEATURE: Kathy Paul, Bismarck, North Dakota Birth Doula + Lamaze Certified Birth Educator

Whoohoo! It’s been AWHLE since I’ve done a Friday Feature, but I love connecting with other birth workers and service providers and a goal of mine for 2022 is to do more blogging, so LFG!

Kathy is one of those adorable individuals that I just want to scoop up and put in my pocket. 😂 I promise I don’t mean that in a creepy way, but if you’ve ever met her in person, you might know what I mean.

But don’t let her pink cheeks and cute glasses fool you: this woman is a powerhouse. Both physically and figuratively. She once mentioned that before her first pregnancy she was deadlifting 230+ lbs. That’s some serious strength, yall. And while I’m the current president of the Bismarck Doula Community, she’s the actual mom of the BDC; she always knows where everything is, where everyone is supposed to be, what’s going on, brings the snacks, makes the signs, brings little gifts, makes the phone calls, ALL THE THINGS.

Kathy Paul sits on porch steps in Mandan, North Dakota

So, what brought you to birth work, Kathy?

I have been a "birth enthusiast" even before I became pregnant! The whole process of pregnancy and birth is amazing to me.

I am passionate about working with families to help them understand what their choices are in pregnancy and birth.

For most of my life, I was terrified of birth and did not understand how a baby would come out of me! However, as I deep dove into the birth world I became empowered by the information I found and actually looked forward to having my own birth story.

Birth doesn't have to be scary and my hope is that families will get excited about their birth which should be one of the most important and beautiful experiences of their lives. Above all else, it is an honor to be present while a family is bringing a new soul into the world.

What makes you different from other doulas? What's the philosophy and approach that drives you?

I have been working the behavioral/mental health field for the last 10 years during which have gained much experience in providing a non-judgmental space to support people during their most challenging and transformative moments.

My greatest desire is for families to be empowered to make informative decisions which they feel is best for their pregnancy and birth journey. I am able to offer evidence based information when questions arise and can be that sounding board when someone needs to be heard when expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Kathy Paul demonstrates the birth process with a baby doll and model pelvis to a pregnant woman. Both women are sitting on a couch.
Kathy Paul performs a hand massage on a pregnant woman. The pregnant woman is wearing glasses, a grey shirt, and leaning over a yoga ball.

Do you have a specialty? Breastfeeding support? VBAC? Medically-complex? Trauma-informed support?

I have taken many trauma-informed trainings and possess the knowledge in supporting families in a way that is compassionate of their past experiences which may impact their birthing experience moving forward. I also a have great understanding of substance abuse and mental health concerns.

I love that! So what specific services do you offer?

I offer birth doula services, which includes 1-2 prenatal sessions, full coverage of your birth, and 1-2 postpartum sessions. Additionally, I offer a la cart services of birth planning, cloth diapering education, and soon to be Lamaze childbirth education courses. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on Lamaze classes later on in 2022!

And which areas/hospitals do you serve?

I serve families in the Bismarck/Mandan area and surrounding communities, whether it be a home or hospital birth.

Kathy Paul, doula, is helping a pregnant woman relax by placing her hands softly on her shoulders. The pregnant woman is smiling as she sits in a blue birthing pool.

Want to connect with Kathy? Here’s a few places you can find her:

Website: Meadowlark Birth

Instagram: @Meadowlarkbirth

Facebook: /Meadowlarkbirth

Phone: 701-404-9134



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