Self-Care Challenge Day #5: Mental Health Support Through Journaling

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How is already Friday? Finally, if you’ve had a long week. This week has been flying by for me.

The self-care practice we’re going to explore today is journaling. Many people find regular journaling helps improve mood by helping you prioritize concerns, anxieties, the things that are weighing on your mind. Getting things down on paper (or screen) is a good way to dialogue and analyze our daily stresses. You can take it as deep as you want to go. Take 10 minutes or an entire hour.

Journaling can be an excellent method of slowing down and practicing mindfulness around our day. A morning journaling habit can help set the tone and intention for the day ahead. An evening journaling time can give you an opportunity to take stock of your busy day. What were the wins? Personally, I prefer this evening habit because it makes me stop and think, particularly at the end of a long, frustrating day, where it feels like little was accomplished, if I sit down and write it out, I’ll often find that I was indeed more productive than I thought.

Really, as in so many things, the hardest part is often getting started. Having a regular format is really helpful for myself. Using prompts is also an excellent way to get the words flowing.

My format usually includes: a short gratitudes list, a few affirmations and goals I’m working on, reflecting on the day’s wins and jotting down cute things that happened with the kids.

That’s my ideal. I can certainly not claim to be any type of consistent journal-keeper, as satisfying as it can be.

Here’s a couple of prompts to get you started…

  • The best part of my day and why.

  • The most dreaded part of my day and why.

  • What went right?

  • Today I felt proud when…

  • One thing I love about my kids that will make me sad when they outgrow it…

  • I truly felt supported today when…

  • I love being alone because…

  • One thing that made my life easier today…

  • I’m grateful that I’m healthy enough to…

  • The most hilarious thing that happened today.

  • What made me cry/smile/laugh/angry today?

And so on. Simply pick one. You might find it’s more fun than it sounds and have to do a few more. Let me know how it goes! Does feel like a good way to organize your thoughts?


Self-Care Challenge Day #6: Get Outside!


Self-Care Challenge Day #4: Movement