Self-Care Challenge Day #7: Reaffirmation

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Sorry this is late- I accidentally scheduled it to post tomorrow morning and not this morning.

For the last day of our challenge, I want to circle back to the affirmations. Not only the affirmation you chose at the beginning of the week, but delving more deeply into affirming, not just the things we want to see in ourselves, but into the positive things we already see and recognize in ourselves.

  • What’s your favorite physical feature? There might be a lot that you don’t love about your body, but find just one thing that you love. Personally, I related strongly to Anne Shirley and having a perfect nose.

  • What’s something you are proud of in your character? Your personality? A fun talent that you have? Maybe you’re an intensely loyal parent and friend. You’re an amazing housekeeper. Or your house is a disaster, but your car interior is always spotless (WHO ARE YOU???). You love doing crafty things and sharing them with your kids.

Write a list. Instead of hyperfocusing on all the negatives and the things that you’re “working on,” let’s look at the things about you that are already perfect and amazing.

Then, to enter for the tank top giveaway, pop a selfie into the comments, either here or on the socials, and be specific about what you love about yourself and what you’re currently rocking.


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