BARTA: A Bismarck Birth Story

Barta’s birth was the last birth I was able to attend before COVID-19 came along and shut down the world. I would not be able to support or photograph another hospital birth until August, 2020, so the it’s a lovely memory to look back on this gentle, beautiful birth and a time when it was possible for so many family members to stay close by, supporting Caitlin, Luke, and Barta from Sanford Labor & Delivery Unit’s waiting room.

Caitlin’s story: This is my first babe and we live in western ND. I work full time in town, and we also ranch. Barta was born Feb 6th at 1:49 am weighing 6 lb. 5 oz and was 20 inches long.

I was induced so I am still not sure what real labor feels like, if that makes any sense. In the beginning it was more of an annoyance than anything. The thing that bothered me most was the fetal monitors, as Barta was super squirmy in the womb, so they would get the monitors placed and he would move and the monitors would beep constantly. That part I hated, that was what made me the most disgruntled versus the pain of labor. Labor pain really intensified after they broke my water.

Barta was born the beginning of February. He was originally due the 18th of February, but due to high blood pressure at 38 weeks they decided to induce me. It was really cold, not a lot of snow. I arrived at the hospital at midnight the morning of the 5th.

When going through labor, time really isn’t a thing, I didn’t notice it getting light out or becoming dark again really.
— Caitlin R.

Contractions were an intense pain, but not unbearable although at some times it felt like they were unbearable. I had no idea what to expect, it was intense and mind blowing that is for sure. During labor I really just was trying to focus on my breathing as I didn't want to have an epidural. I did end up getting one after being stuck at 8 cm for 3 hours. I was just so physically and mentally exhausted at that point. I did surprise myself, I didn't realize I was as strong as I was. To be honest I don't feel like I really prepared, I thought about breathing techniques that I had learned during yoga practice and, to be honest, I was like I will flow with whatever happens. I knew Regina would be there and that was enough.

My husband was there, and my mom along with Regina. In the beginning I had only planned to have Regina, and Luke in the room but my mom stayed and I know she was there but at the same time she wasn't. I wasn't aware of her being in the room. There were a few times where I would be struggling, for lack of a better word, and I would hear her leave. I know she struggled with not being able to help me. Luke was my rock, he pulled through and was there more for me than I expected he would be. I labored a lot in the tub and I remember one point in particular that I had blown an IV and through the entire stay at the hospital we struggled to find a good vein. I was in the tub, and there were two nurses, and there were needles and blood everywhere as we would find a vein and then it would blow. One of the nurses said good grief it looks like we’re doing drugs in here with everything that was scattered about. We had a darn good laugh at that. Labor, how long did I labor....I was induced at midnight on the 4th, I don't feel that "TRUE" labor started until 11-12 PM on the 5th after they broke my water, and I had him at 1:49am on the 6th so whatever that maths out to be.

Regina’s note: That’s about 14 hours of active labor!

After the epidural, I had a quick power nap, even though I told Regina I wasn't tired and we had stayed up chatting about books. That is one of my most treasured moments of being in labor, was Regina and I chatting while my mom and Luke slept. I was comfortable and calm and we were just chatting away like old friends. I love that. I didn't push for very long.

I honestly do not remember the first thing I said after seeing Barta, I remember being overwhelmed with emotions and seeing my husbands face full of happiness and tears. I remember as I was pushing that I said, "HA, I told you, mom, that I wasn't going to have a C-section." I also remember a few conversations about not tearing and being a good first calf heifer. Pretty sure Luke and I may have high-fived even. I remember looking at Barta who we really didn't name until later in the day, just in awe of how perfect he was, and just how beautiful he was. I remember my mom was so excited she about ran out to tell Luke's parents and we had to stop her as Luke wanted to tell them. Luke is one of five and all of his brothers were there and Tanner's girlfriend, although we had to tell everyone they were married so she could be in the hospital due to flu season. Tasha had to be there. I was so emotional that they were all still there, fully knowing they had been there for who knows how long, and that they had to drive back home and go to work.

After I delivered Barta, a crew came in pretty quick as he was a bit stunned. I remember focusing on what my doctor was telling me about my placenta- it was clearly happy where it was located and that she was going to have to take it out manually. Later I found out that my husband and mom were panicking a bit and were worried.

It was the most amazing experience I have ever had in my entire life, I was so happy that he was finally here and that I was done with the hard part, or so I thought.
— Caitlin R.

I remember my sister in law coming the evening of the 6th and she was the BEST person in the entire world as she brought me grape pop. I had been craving and searching for grape pop for the last 3 months of my pregnancy. Luke had asked her to find some and she succeeded, she is still my favorite to this day because of that. The first night after having Barta was super scary, I am not sure when but he woke up and I couldn't get to him fall back to sleep. I was struggling swaddling and it was terrifying. I didn't want to wake Luke up being he was so darn tired. I had a few nurses come in, but I didn't feel like they were a lot of help. I was just so tired, and overwhelmed. I remember that we couldn't get out of the hospital fast enough, we wanted to be home so bad. The thing I disliked about after having Barta is how often staff would come in and I would wake up or be awoken. I also didn't like that when I was being induced, like goodness, I am not going to be getting sleep after this can we not wake me up?! That is the thing I hated the most, I am still irritated about that. Baby #2 that will not be happening. It was truly an amazing and beautiful experience and thinking back it makes me super happy.

It was truly an amazing and beautiful experience and thinking back it makes me super happy.
— Caitlin R.

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