Small Business Spotlight: Love At First Bump, Bismarck's 3D/4D Ultrasound Boutique

This post was to be published months and months ago. Jennifer was generous enough to allow me to bring my camera and get a peek at her unique service as she scanned a couple of lovely bellies all the way back in April, 2022. Thanks so much, Jennifer!

What made you decide to start a business?

What really brought me into this field was my own child. I've always had a love for children and during my first pregnancy I fell in love with the ultrasounds and getting to see my son before I was even able to hold him.

Unfortunately, we had a rough first ultrasound with my son. He didn't want to move, and they weren't able to give us the time to do so, so instead we had to leave with the feeling of fear instead of joy not knowing if he was really okay and we were sent to a specialist weeks later to find out all was fine, he was just stubborn, and I found what I wanted to do next with my life.

Technology of ultrasounds have come so far, and as grateful as I am for them, I felt like they could be so much more for so many other families as well. I knew I couldn't be the only one who wanted more of that connection with my baby, and it also gave my husband and now older kids the chance to connect and to be a part of another blessing being added to the family as well. Being able to give that gift to moms and families has filled my heart more than I could have ever imagined. Growing up I watched my parents doing what they loved and running their own personal businesses and I always dreamed to find that thing for myself that brought me the same pride and joy that they had, and now I know I have.

What makes you different from other ultrasound providers? What’s the difference between what you do and an ultrasound done in a clinical setting?

We do not provide anything medically related. We are a non-diagnostic ultrasound studio. We also specialize in the most fun you can possibly have while being pregnant! My goal is to capture the best picture and movements of baby possible. I focus in on the connection between parents and families and the bundle of joy that they are waiting for in a calming and relaxed atmosphere. Whether it is the first glimpse of baby or if baby is coming any day now, I love to see the connection that parents and babies have when they still seem to be in different worlds. I truly love every stage of pregnancy, but I want to give each client what they want most. Some come early just to see that there is a heartbeat and they’re okay if we can't hear it yet. Some want to see their little one in 3D/4D early, even if that means they are small and don't have a lot of fat on them yet, but they get to see all of them and connect with them even before they can feel them move or really see much growth in their bellies. Others may want to wait to see their little one until they can really see those chubby cheeks, and that's also another great time to see baby, but my drive is to provide you with an amazing session and a wonderful memory you won't ever forget.

Who are the clients you really love to work with?

I try not to pick favorites because every baby has unique and amazing moments that are incredible to capture, but there is just something personal and special about families that come in for every stage of their pregnancy. Watching a baby go from a heartbeat, to finding out if baby is a little boy or girl, to watching baby smile, suck their thumb, play with their toes, or straight up kick back at me is such an amazing experience and I am so grateful that I get to be part of that journey.

But if I had to pick just one, my favorite is the 3D/4D ultrasounds. When baby is just putting on a show for a room full of family so happy to see their little miracle, smiling and laughing and sometimes crying, I'm usually doing the same right along with them!

What services do you offer?

Starting as early as 6 weeks, we offer early heartbeat ultrasounds and clinical SneakPeek DNA gender blood draws.

At 14 weeks, we offer our Early Gender Determination Ultrasounds and 3D/4D Ultrasounds until birth!

We also have gender reveal supplies (balloons, cannons, gender heartbeat animals, audible gender ultrasound frames, and customizable onesies).

And for our most popular add-ons: heartbeat animals, heartbeat jewelry, full-access digital download (all photos and recorded video) and FREE live-streaming available for all loved ones near or far who are not able to attend in person to watch along with us!

And last of all, tell me the top three things you wish you could tell ALL families preparing for a baby???

Enjoy every moment that you can. Baby is going to take a lot out of you, at least mine did, but at the end of the day, you are going to look down at that sleeping miracle and when you look back on your day, you are going to remember the cute things that they did and not the dirty diapers or who cried more.

Take pictures. Lots of pictures. Days will seem long, but years seem short and before you know it your baby is one and then five and even though you may be going through a phase that seems hard, it will pass, and it goes by so much faster than you realize. When I look back at pictures of my own babies it feels like I can't count the number of memories and milestones that have already happened in their lives.

YOU ARE DOING AMAZING!!! And just continue to do your best. Some days will seem hard, both during pregnancy and after, but you just have to role with it. There is no handbook for kids, because every kid is unique in their own way. Don't ever compare how well you are parenting or what your child is doing to another. Everyone does things differently and grows at their own pace. Give yourself grace and love them with all your heart.

Where can folks find you?


Instagram: @loveatfirstbump

Facebook: /loveatfirstbump4d

Business Phone: 701-557-0821


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