pregnancy, Postpartum, Dickinson, Breastfeeding, Birth Regina Martin pregnancy, Postpartum, Dickinson, Breastfeeding, Birth Regina Martin

5 Things You Might Not Know About the 5 Stages of Pregnancy (from a Dickinson Birth Photographer & Doula)

Explore the lesser-known aspects of pregnancy, from conception to the mysterious "4th trimester," as we delve into the experiences and emotions of each stage. Learn about local resources in Dickinson to help you prepare for your pregnancy, newborn, and birth journey.

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Why is Birth Photography so Expensive? | Dickinson + Bismarck Birth Photographer

Listen, I’m a photographer now, but I remember being young and dumb and uninformed and saying, “That’s ridiculous!” the first time I looked at price lists for a professional photographer. And that was “just” family photography, which doesn’t come with all of the extra challenges of custom labor and delivery photography

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