5 Things You Might Not Know About the 5 Stages of Pregnancy (from a Dickinson Birth Photographer & Doula)

Did you know there are actually more to the stages of pregnancy than simply three trimesters? Today I’m spilling the tea on everything you can expect from conception to the mysterious "4th trimester."

First Trimester: The Secret Life of Pregnancy
The first trimester is like a secret club where only you and your growing baby are members. During these first 12 weeks, your body is working overtime to create a new life, and you might be feeling the effects (hello, morning sickness). It's like you're part of an exclusive group that only fellow expectant moms can truly understand. 

Honestly, with my first pregnancy, I thought you got pregnant and then BOOM! started showing within a few weeks—I was so excited to wear maternity clothes and look all cute and pregnant. HA! Obviously everyone is different and some bodies do pop that fast, but I was always at least 6 months pregnant before I clearly looked pregnant, so I literally could have kept my news a secret almost until I was in my 3rd trimester.

  • Personally, I am one of those lucky few that never experienced much morning (or afternoon or evening) sickness, but from the many conversations I’ve had with women and care providers about early pregnancy nausea, I’ve learned that maintaining a high protein intake is crucial to mitigating typical morning sickness (not to be confused with the more serious pregnancy complication known as hyperemesis gravidarum) .

  • A lot of moms also have good success with herbal teas made specifically for pregnancy nausea—hop on down to Oak Tree Herbal and chat with Lindsay, a Dickinson herbalist, who can point you in the right direction. Steep Me Tea Apothecary is a phenomenal resource in Bismarck!

Second Trimester: The Golden Age

For many, the second trimester is the golden age of pregnancy, where you can finally start enjoying the journey. With the nausea subsiding and the baby bump showing, it's time to embrace the experience.

  • Now that you you’re out of the phase of needing a nap every 5 seconds, this can be great time to establish a movement routine—the remainder of your pregnancy and your labor will thank you for it! Even “just” a daily 20-minute walk or swim is so valuable to keeping your body loose and limber, as well as keeping your pelvis balanced and getting your baby in an optimal position for birth. If you’re into exercise classes, I highly recommend the Mommy & Me class at the West River Community Center.

  • Yay! It’s finally time to shop for maternity clothes! Unfortunately, there are not many options for maternity shopping right here in Dickinson. Your best bet for variety is obviously online shopping, or hitting up Target in Bismarck. However, once you start shopping for maternity/nursing bras, lingerie, and luxury sleepwear, we’re so spoiled to have Stanza D’Amore right here in Dickinson, offering private fittings to make sure you have the absolute best fit!

Third Trimester: The Home Stretch

The third trimester is when things start to get real. As you prepare for your baby's arrival, you'll want to make sure you have everything in place for a smooth transition.

Dickinson Birth Photography & Doula

Birth: The Main Event

The moment you've been waiting for is finally here: birth! Whether you're planning a natural birth or a C-section, this stage is exciting and emotional!

The 4th Trimester: What No One Tells You

Surprise! Your journey doesn't end with birth. The 4th trimester is the first three months of your baby's life, where both of you are adjusting to the world outside the womb.

  • Did you know that if you’ve struggled with depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders at any point in your life previous to getting pregnant that you’re at an increased risk of experiencing PMADs (perinatal mood and anxiety disorders)? Even if you’ve never had a diagnosed mental health condition prior to pregnancy, you’re also at higher risk if you experience a traumatic birth, have a history of abuse, or lack a supportive community of family and friends around you. A few things you can do to get ahead of PMADs is to have a partner knowledgeable about the symptoms, prioritizing sleep, nutrition, and basic self care in the postpartum stage, and talking to your care provider as soon as you notice something is “off.”

  • Connecting with other parents is an important part of building your village—don’t wait to find mom friends that are in the trenches. In Dickinson, the Flourish Pregnancy & Postpartum Support Community hosts weekly play dates and regular gatherings for moms of littles. You can sign up for text reminders by texting BUZZ LIST to 7016586930.

  • And then, when is it time to ask for breastfeeding support? Check out this blog post all about Dickinson breastfeeding resources.

Of course, every journey is unique, and it's okay to feel a whole range of emotions along the way. As long as you've got your support system and resources, you'll be able to navigate this crazy adventure.

Thanks for reading!

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