FEATURE FRIDAY! Breanna Herr: Dickinson, North Dakota Birth Doula

Amplifying the voices of other local birth workers and small business owners is one of the top priorities of this blog, so let’s goooooooooooo!!!!

Breanna Herr is a new birth doula in the Dickinson area. She has a husband and three gorgeous little babies, but she was kind enough to take the time to answer a few questions for me.

So, what brought you to birth work?

B: I have always been interested in birth work, but hearing the stories of unsatisfied and disappointed women on how their births went, even my feeling on my first and second births pushed me closer Then I had my home birth and the difference was shocking on how things can be when you have the right environment, support, and education. It completely sent me over the edge to pursue my dream and passion in birth work.

What would you say makes you different from other doulas? What's the philosophy and approach that drives you?

B: I have experienced loss and supporting families through the “fear” of the next pregnancy or even a current loss is a skill I think is “hard” but nice to have for others. I was also extremely disappointed with my two of births and want to do my best to help women not feel like I did. I believe that every women deserves their ideal/dream birth and I want to do everything in my power to help educate and support them to achieve that.

What services do you offer?

B: Prenatal support, labor and delivery support and one postpartum visit! I am willing to help with breastfeeding though I am not yet “certified” for that YET!!

Oh, and which areas/hospitals do you serve?

B: I’m available to support births in the Dickinson and Bismarck, North Dakota hospitals, as well as local home births.

Cool! Thanks for visiting for a few minutes! Where can people reach you or find you on the internet?

B: You can find me on Facebook at Breanna Herr Doula, on Instagram @breannaherrdoula, and my email is breannaherrdoula@gmail.com.

Breanna Herr, North Dakota Birth Doula

Breanna Herr, North Dakota Birth Doula

Breanna Herr, Dickinson, North Dakota

Breanna Herr, Dickinson, North Dakota


IVY: Bismarck, North Dakota Home Birth Story


BARTA: A Bismarck Birth Story