Self-Care Challenge Day #3: Meditation

It’s 1:30 AM and I’ve just finished editing and exporting a solid 360+ image birth story, so I’m struggling to keep my eyes open and don’t have a lot to say about today’s practice. Except to tell you to do it.

Regardless what this practice looks like to you, be it prayer, mantras, affirmations, or my person favorite, guided meditation, the practice of mindfulness can carry significant mental and emotional health benefits. Just 5 minutes a day.

Originally my plan was to record my own voice reading a meditative verse for you instead, but I massively overestimated my ability to read through several pages of text without stumbling and needing to re-do takes. So here’s some really lovely guided meditations below, specifically for pregnancy and parent life. Please let me know if there’s anything here that really resonated with you. What’s your preferred method of mindfulness?


Self-Care Challenge Day #4: Movement


7 Day Self-Care Challenge Day #2: Hydration