5 Things You Might Not Know About the 5 Stages of Pregnancy (from a Dickinson Birth Photographer & Doula)
Explore the lesser-known aspects of pregnancy, from conception to the mysterious "4th trimester," as we delve into the experiences and emotions of each stage. Learn about local resources in Dickinson to help you prepare for your pregnancy, newborn, and birth journey.
When to Find Breastfeeding Support & Help (and Where to Find It) | Dickinson & Bismarck, North Dakota Birth Photographer
Breastfeeding is can be one of the most beautiful and rewarding experiences of motherhood, but it can also be one of the most challenging.
When I was pregnant with my first, my midwife encouraged me to attend a local La Leche League meeting, but as an introvert with serious social anxiety (I didn’t know that then, lol), that sounded terrifying, so I didn’t go. Looking back and knowing what I know now about all of my particular breastfeeding experiences, I don’t actually regret not going. However, I do wish I had done more personal education on what normal newborn behavior looks like and what to expect in the early days of breastfeeding.