Top 10 Favorite 2020 Images

It feels completely cliché to say, but damn, what a year. I’m grateful to have lived it, I’m grateful to be looking back on it. Overall, I’m absolutely overwhelmed with gratitude for the most wonderful people that have trusted me with their most beautiful memories.


You have made this year so much better than I could have ever expected, far better than I could have predicted back in March and April, when I was giving refunds and crying myself to sleep.

Even though it was 2020 and a pandemic took up so much of our mental and emotional space, babies continued to be born, families still loved on each other. Here’s just a few of my personal favorite images that came out of this year.

First grip

When your heart grows three sizes

This branding session: the colors, the power in her stance.

Run like the wind!

Siblings, what else can I say?

Family love stories, y’all…

Choosing favorite images is like trying to choose a favorite child. But would you blame me if this was my actual favorite?

Surrogacy love

The “We did it.” look


The placenta has finished its work, her lungs are working just fine.

Quintessential motherhood.

Life with four.


7-Day Self-Care Challenge