A Look into the Empowering World of Home Birth with a North Dakota Midwife, Part 2 | Dickinson Birth Photographer
Part Two of this lovely interview with Midwife Chelsea Smith.
A Look into the Empowering World of Home Birth with a North Dakota Midwife, Part 1 | Dickinson Birth Photographer
An interview with Chelsea Smith, Midwife
This interview has been sitting in my files for quite awhile and as I read through it again, I was brought to tears by Chelsea’s clear passion for birth and holding space for individual families as they meet their babies on their own terms. I’m so, so grateful to Chelsea for taking the time to share such profound and articulate thoughts on home birth and her practice.
Navigating Your Home Birth Journey: Key Questions to Ask When Choosing a Midwife in North Dakota
Whether you feel drawn to a home birth because of the individualized care, you want to be the one making the rules when it comes to who is welcomed into your birth space, you want to avoid common interventions standard in hospital, or your cultural or spiritual beliefs, the next step in the process of deciding if this journey is right for you is to find a midwife.
IVY: Bismarck, North Dakota Home Birth Story
I have to say, I was surprised when those two little lines showed up several days before my missed period. We had tried for months to get pregnant with our last baby, and I was expecting the same this time…